Throughout my teacher author journey, I have had a range of experiences, training courses, conferences and private coaching. All of these things have helped me to become the teacher author that I am today. At home, full time. I'm doing what I love, living my best life and being able to travel whenever and wherever we want. Private coaching has been one of the most beneficial parts of my journey as a teacher author. This is one of the reasons that I wanted to become a coach myself, and provide the help and support to others that benefited me so much.
Your coaching call(s) will take place through Skype video calls. I love being able to communicate with you face to face!
Just like school - I'll be giving you homework! This homework will be linked to what we've discussed in our coaching sessions. It's so that you can put the call into action.
Are you looking for someone to support and cheer you on? I'll be your biggest motivator, support system and cheerleader to keep you up and pumping to grow!
Private coaching is just that – it’s private coaching by someone who is experienced in your niche or business type. Your coach will be the person to help you get on your way to achieving your dreams, pushing you to be the best you can be.
Over the last 12 months, I have been called upon many times by sellers asking for my advice, help and support with their journey. This is when I decided to start my own coaching services. My coaching services are 1:1 and these are through Skype – either video or voice call. I will be your mentor. I’ll help you plan your goals and dreams. Lay them out and plan ways that you can reach these. I’ll push you to achieve the things you didn’t think you could. I’ll be your cheerleader, because I know you can do it. I’ll help you improve and provide an outside eye to your business.
If I have done one thing right in my TPT journey, it was hiring Nikki as my coach.
Not only have the simple tweaks that she has given me (along with complex strategies) improved my sales, but also my morale.
Nikki is accessible almost all of the time and responds to me in a timely manner with in-depth responses.
After every coaching call, she provides a detailed, individualized plan for me and how to hit my goals. Everything she has coached me on has been very individualized for me and my store.
She has great knowledge about social media platforms, SEO, and TPT in general. If she does not know how to help with something (which is not very often), she usually has someone that she can consult with to figure it out.
I have honestly taken several courses with successful TPT sellers, and Nikki's advice and coaching has been the best that I've experienced. Not only that, but whenever I need a pick-me-up, she is my biggest cheerleader and makes me feel better (plus more determined) after speaking with her.
Nikki is worth every penny! I am so glad I hired her as my coach; I have made so much progress that I wouldn't have made without her. I am much closer to reaching my TPT goals because of her (along with working hard and doing what she tells me to do!) :)
Chloe, Lucky Chlover WritingFinding the right coach is important. You want someone that you will click with. That has experience, and is able to help you on your journey.
So, who am I?
I am a positive, energetic and can-do business woman. There’s a light at the end of every tunnel and there’s always a positive to find in every situation. I set my goals, and I’ll achieve them. No matter how crazy they are. Because, why can’t I? Why not me? I set a goal of reaching the 2nd milestone, and flew past it. Then, I set a goal of working from home with TpT, and achieved it in half the time I had originally planned. My goals now? They’re on my vision board and I will achieve them. Because I have a plan and I believe in myself and my skills.
After purchase, you’ll fill in the questionnaire that I send. From here, we’ll schedule a 15 minute call. We’ll discuss what was in your questionnaire and I will provide you with advice and tips on your TpT store as a whole. I’ll take a detailed look through your store and provide you with homework to work on. This is a great way for your to keep your store moving forward and growing. I’ll send you a check-in email a week later to see how you are managing the changes and what you have implemented.
After purchase, you’ll fill in the questionnaire that I send. From here, we’ll schedule a 15 minute call. We’ll discuss what was in your questionnaire and I will provide you with advice and tips on your products that you have sent me in the questionnaire. I’ll provide you with homework moving forward to work on your products and to get them seen by more TpT buyers. I’ll send you a check-in email a week later to see how you are managing the changes and what you have implemented.
Are you new to TpT? Are you feeling overwhelmed and lost what to do? This package is perfect for you. You’ll have a questionnaire to fill in after purchase. We’ll schedule 2 30 minute Skype calls – video or voice. The first is where we will discuss what was in your questionnaire and answer any questions you have. I’ll provide you with support, advice and guidance to get you moving forward on your TpT journey. Here, I’ll set you some homework to complete over the next week on your store. The next week we’ll schedule another 30 minute call. Here, we will discuss what you have been working on for the last week, discuss any more questions you have and provide you with support moving forward and the next steps you need to take.
The consultation questionnaire will be sent to you after purchasing the package. The questions you answer will allow me to find out more about you, where you are at in your journey and the goals that you have to achieve. Next, we’ll have a 15 minute private call. This is where I give you a quick overview of what was answered by you in the questionnaire. I’ll offer you advice on your current journey, next steps and provide you with homework to work on that week. A week later, we will have a 30 minute private call. This call is where we’ll go over everything that you’ve been working on from our first call and the homework provided. We’ll discuss the differences that you’ve seen, and how you can continue to move forward, putting a plan of action into place. I’ll also provide an analysis of your store and provide you with tips to help you move forward.
The consultation questionnaire is the same as the silver package. This package is for a 4 week contract. Every week, I’ll set you homework to work on for your store, resources and your business as a whole. We will meet up for a 30 minute private call once a week. The first 30 minute call will be discussing your consultation questionnaire. Here, we’ll discuss your store/website, up to 3 individual products, the plans and goals that you have – and how to achieve them. We will take a detailed look at the strategies that you have in place and new ones to implement. The next 3 calls are where we will reflect on the previous weeks homework, discuss the upcoming week’s homework along with other tips and advice to keep you moving forward with your journey. We’ll end with a 3 Month Business Plan Call – this is where we’ll discuss what you should be doing over the next 3 months to ensure that you continue to grow and achieve your goals.
This is the package of all packages. It includes everything from the previous 2 packages – and more! Here you’ll start with the consultation questionnaire and you’ll be signed up for a 12 week contract with myself. Every week you can expect homework from me and a 30 minute private call where we’ll discuss your homework, goals, strategies, planning and more.
Included in this, we’ll also take a detailed look at your social media accounts and provide tips on how you can continue to improve your social media strategy. We’ll also take a detailed look at your TpT store and how you can continue to grow this. There’s also the potential for you to have up to 60 individual products up for analysis by myself. This is where I’ll take a close look at your products and provide tips and information on how you can improve these going forward.
You’ll also receive emails from me through the week to check in with you. This can be on your homework, the goals you’re working on and just a generic chat to see if there’s anything else you want to work on that we can add on to upcoming homework sessions, or if there’s any trouble you’re having.
Finally, we end with a 3 Month Business Plan Call – this is where we’ll discuss what you should be doing over the next 3 months to ensure that you continue to grow and achieve your goals.
Now you’ve read about me, who I am and the coaching that I offer, what next? Will you jump in with me and continue growing on your teacher author journey? If you are looking to continue your teacher author growth, work smarter, and achieve your dreams, then you’re in the right place. Send me an email [email protected] and let’s get chatting – with no obligation – to discuss the coaching options and which one is right for you!
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